Kelprojektas will engineer Rail Baltica railway stretch of international significance in Estonia
The biggest transport engineering company in the country – Kelprojektas together with the Estonian consortium won the tender for the engineering works of Rail Baltica railway stretch in Estonia between Harju, Rapla, and Pärnu districts. Total value of project works amounts to 7.48 million EUR. The company won the tender together with three other Estonian companies – Reaalprojekt, EA RENG, and Hendrikson & Ko.
“We have accrued extensive experience in the field of railway engineering and have successfully implemented Rail Baltica project in Lithuania, which last year was acknowledged to be the Lithuanian Product of the Year. We expect that following the implementation of the project in Estonia we will contribute to the overall development and modernization of the Baltic railway system”, – said Algimantas Medžiaušis, CEO of UAB Kelprojektas.

In the engineering of the railway stretch in Harju, Rapla, and Pärnu districts Kelprojektas’ works will include the elaboration of preliminary design of railway tracks and designs of skyways over the railway, completion of feasibility study, completion of the analysis of costs and benefits of reconstruction of road stretch and construction project, as well as drawing up of the project budget.
“One of strategic objectives of our company is the expansion on foreign markets. Rail Baltica tender that we won is substantial for our company for both being a huge international project and a significant step in strengthening our position in both Estonia and other countries”,– said Algimantas Medžiaušis, CEO of UAB Kelprojektas. The manager of the company hopes that the fact that Kelprojektas became the implementing authority of this strategic EU project will also get positive recommendations in the Scandinavian markets, provided in the expansion plans of the company.