Environmental protection
The development of cities, urbanization and people’s economic activities inevitably have an impact on the environment, so environmental protection is currently one of the priority areas in our society. Laws and other valid legal acts provide that this impact must be assessed at the planning (or design) stage of activities. Exposure risk and damage can be reduced through sustainable construction, using measures and solutions that reduce environmental impact.
We prepare environmental documentation for our clients, coordinate it with institutions and entities, help organizers of activities to understand environmental protection requirements, to make efficient, economically sound decisions for sustainable construction and economic activity, which allow us to avoid excessive use of resources, pollution and negative impact on the environment and people.
- Environmental impact assessment of planned economic activities, public health impact assessment, strategic environmental impact assessment, preparation of environmental impact assessment documents for information selection.
- Preparation of documents for determining the significance of Natura 2000.
- Ecological research.
- Selection and design of biodiversity protection and environmental improvement measures (plantation, network fences, culverts for animals, etc.).
- Modeling of noise and air pollution (CADNA, AERMOD), selection and design of measures to reduce noise and air pollution.
Head of Architecture and Environmental Design Department
Remigijus Šimkus
+370 640 25664