Feasibility studies
Transport system planning is a process that is carried out continuously and is determined by the changing urban and economic situation, ongoing technological progress and ever-increasing environmental requirements.
A properly functioning transport system must ensure safe and comfortable conditions for all road users, enable people and goods to reach their destination quickly and at the lowest cost, but at the same time, the minimization of capital investment and system maintenance costs must be aimed at, which makes the planning of the transport system a complex and complex task.
Our specialists with long-term experience perform:
- Transport communications development plans and feasibility studies. Part of the connection between the general plan level and other levels of territorial planning documents.
- Building justifications, economic studies (economic parts), cost and benefit analyses.
- Reasons for the necessity of taking land for public needs.
- Mandatory documents for receiving support from European Union structural funds (including projects with a value of 50 million euros and more).
- Procurement documents for construction works for projects financed with EU support funds.
- Long-term forecasts of all types of traffic.
- Research and modeling of car flows (at the macro level – with VISUM, at the micro level – with VISSIM, modeling of intersections – with SIDRA software).
- Road pavement condition modeling and forecasting, pavement structure calculations.
Head of Architecture and Environmental Design Department
Remigijus Šimkus
+370 640 25664