Technical project of reconstruction of Jakai interchange (1st and 2nd stage)
Year 2008
The first stage covers the engineering of the longest in Lithuania – 610 m – four traffic lane skyway in the directions of Kaunas-Klaipėda, Klaipėda-Kaunas and access roads, as well as reconstruction of the tunnel on A1 Road.
The second stage of works covers the engineering and construction of two skyways – 317 m long Kaunas–Palanga and 552 m long Palanga-Kaunas as well as access roads with retaining walls, which connect the skyways with A13 Road.
The second stage also covers the reconstruction of the existing Jakai interchange including the construction of new pavement. Moreover, the engineering of new integrations into the interchange, reconstruction of the engineering networks, installation of lighting, construction of noise barriers, as well as rain wastewater off-take from the road.
The reconstructed crossing consists of three levels: the skyway in the direction Kaunas – Palanga is built on the second level, in the direction of Palanga – Kaunas – on the third level.