Reconstruction projects prepared by Kelprojektas implemented at the Jakai cross road
Two stages of the Jakai Cross Road reconstruction were implemented according to the projects prepared by Kelprojektas, the largest Lithuanian company operating in the field of transport infrastructure design. The first stage included the construction of the longest overpass in Lithuania (Kaunas-Klaipėda) and the second one included the design of two overpasses in the directions of Kaunas-Palanga and Palanga-Kaunas.
“Our specialists have already applied their experience in design of over four thousand objects, and this project is one of the most prominent ones. The reconstruction of the Jakai Cross Road received exceptional attention due to its scope, significance and unique technological solutions which have no similarities with any other projects in Lithuania. This exclusive project reveals the competence of our specialists which we are going to successfully apply in similar designing works in the future,” said Algimantas Medžiaušis, General Director of Kelprojektas UAB.

The Jakai Cross Road located at the major Vilnius-Kaunas-Klaipėda Highway connects the following six roads: Kaunas-Klaipėda, Klaipėda-Liepoja, Kaunas-Jurbarkas-Klaipėda, Jakai-Dovilai, sections of Klaipėda City and Tilžės Street, and Klaipėda-Kaunas. The goal of the reconstruction project is to ensure a smooth traffic flow in Vilnius-Klaipėda, Vilnius-Palanga, Klaipėda-Palanga and Kaunas-Šilutė directions.
Up till today, the cross road has been problematic due to constant traffic jams. However, following its reconstruction works, the large traffic flows will have a smoother move. The solutions offered by Kelprojektas’ specialists will also contribute to the environmental protection as cars will spend less time stuck at the intersections and, thus, less exhaust gas will be emitted into the environment.
The situation was commented on by Giedrius Sarapinas, Project Manager of the Road Department of Kelprojektas UAB: “Even though the reconstruction works are finished, the advantages of the project will be fully noticed by the drivers only after the reconstruction of Joniškės Street in Klaipėda. The traffic flow from Palanga to the Jakai Cross Road significantly increased after closing down the said street back in September. Unfortunately, for a while the drivers will continue getting stuck in traffic in this section of the road.”
The reconstruction works of the Jakai Cross Road were started in 2008 and lasted 4 years. The first stage included the design of the longest Lithuanian four-lane overpass (610 m in length) in Kaunas-Klaipėda and Klaipėda-Kaunas directions, the access roads and the reconstructed tunnel on the A1 Highway.
During the second stage, two overpasses were designed and constructed: the Kaunas–Palanga Overpass of 317 m in length and the Palanga-Kaunas Overpass of 552 m in length as well as the access roads with retaining walls connecting the overpasses with the A13 Highway were constructed. The Jakai Cross Road was also reconstructed by laying a new asphalt concrete cover. Other completed works include designing of the new access roads to the roundabout, reconstruction of engineering networks, construction of lighting and sound insulating walls and rainwater gullies to collect water on the roads. The reconstructed intersection is a grade-separated junction and has three grades. The Kaunas – Palanga Overpass is constructed on the second grade and the Palanga – Kaunas Overpass is on the third grade.