Over 2 million Litas to be invested into the activity of Kelprojektas
Kelprojektas, the largest Lithuanian company operating in the field of transport infrastructure engineering and design of communication services, buildings of public use and engineering networks, made an agreement with the global software developer Autodesk and plans to invest over two million Litas into its activity. The Company will install Autodesk Vault, one of the most advanced document management systems available in the world, and will upgrade the current software. The total amount of investments will reach beyond 2.35 million Litas.
According to the representatives of Kelprojektas, the partnership with the leader in engineering software development is a significant recognition of the company among the most advanced designing companies.
“The decision of the global leader to cooperate with us when installing the Vault system was conditioned by the high qualification level of our staff and their experience in adapting the Autodesk software. We are the first to install this contemporary document management system among the Baltic companies operating in the field of transport infrastructure design. The Autodesk system will strengthen our current position in the market, and the adapted novelties will simplify work processes and facilitate project implementation”, said Algimantas Medžiaušis, General Director of Kelprojektas UAB.

Professional software for designers and engineers helps planning, managing and monitoring the processes of data creation, modeling and documentation. The upgrade will give Kelprojektas the possibility to manage the project implementation more efficiently and will create a possibility for the company employees from different departments to carry out team assignments. It will also simplify data search in the system and contribute to swifter response to changes.
Kelprojektas is the only Baltic State to be a member of the Autodesk Developer Network (ADN) programmers’ community. The ADN membership gives certain advantages when adapting the Autodesk products to the Lithuanian market. Currently, Kelprojektas employs the biggest number of certified Autodesk specialists in the Baltic States. According to the company’s representatives, the highly skilled employees are one of the most important criteria for successful installation of the software.
“To ensure the top quality of services and the most advanced solutions we regularly invest into installation of state-of-the-art infrastructure design technologies, improvement of work processes and professional development of our employees. Having installed the new software we will be able to manage work processes faster and easier and take advantage of all the possibilities offered by the designing software,” noted A. Medžiaušis.
The plan is to start working with the Vault system by the end of 2013, and as of the second quarter of 2014 all new projects should be created with the Autodesk Vault Collaboration AEC.
The installation of the Autodesk Vault Collaboration AEC software will be carried out in two stages. The pioneering project, i.e. the installation of servers and installation of the software on the PCs of the participating employees is planned until the end of the year, while the plans for the upcoming year include configuration of the system and adapting to the process and project storage structure of the company. This stage will also include the creation of safety rules, user environment configuration, testing and creation of user instructions.