Kelprojektas was declared to be the most innovative company of 2012


Prestigious “Innovation Prize” 2012 award under the “Innovative Company” category was granted to the biggest transport infrastructure engineering company Kelprojektas. The commission of the national competition, organized by Public Institution Lithuanian Innovation Center and the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, distinguished Kelprojektas as a company that applies modern technologies together with up-to-date management methods as well as invests into its employees. For Kelprojektas it was the first “Innovation Prize” competition award.

“We focus on continuous progress and aspire after ensuring the top quality services. Therefore, we invest into implementation of new generation infrastructure engineering technologies, improvement of work processes, as well as in-service training of the employees. Innovations enable our specialists to control the work processes in a swifter and easier way as well as take advantage of the whole potential of engineering software solutions. This acknowledgment is a strong stimulus for further improvement”, – said Algimantas Medžiaušis, General Manager of UAB Kelprojektas.

Kelprojektas was the first in Lithuania to apply PTV VISSIM, a new generation traffic modeling software solution, to the road engineering, which enables engineering more durable, safe, and pollution minimizing transport infrastructure objects. Moreover, this year the company launched the implementation of one of the most advanced in the world document management systems – Autodesk Vault as well as updating of the available software. 2013 m. Kelprojektas’ investment into the procurement of new software and implementation of technologies will exceed 2 million LTL.

Innovative projects as well as the spectrum of new services has enabled Kelprojektas to offer more efficient solutions, which both create value added for the customers and sustain the image of Lithuania as a state that implements state-of-the-art transport infrastructure engineering solutions.

Kelprojektas was the first in Lithuania to design turbo roundabout, characterizing for safety traffic and flow regulation solutions. Moreover, the company has worked out the designed solutions for the first diamond crossing in Lithuania, which will be implemented in Kaunas during the reconstruction of the existing Biruliškės crossing. This type of crossing is designed for the regulation of traffic flows of two, highly intensive, roads. In total there are 20 of such crossings in the world; most of them are designed in the United States of America and a few – in France.

Some of the most distinct objects, worked out by Kelprojektas over the last year, are the reconstruction of Jakai roundabout and RailBaltica project. The company also contributes to the modernization of the seaport. The latest activity in this area is Klaipėda State Seaport project: polluted soil grounds, polluted soil excavation from the dock pits, dredging, storage, and handling.

“Over more than five decades of operation the specialists of Kelprojektas have applied their experience to the engineering of almost five thousand objects in various scope and complexity – ten thousands of kilometers of roads, streets, and railways built and renovated, bridge projects, which were awarded great appreciation and highest ratings. And it is just a part of Kelprojektas contribution to modernization of the national transport infrastructure”, – said A. Medžiaušis.

Traditional “Innovation Price” competition was implemented for the eight time in a row. This year the winners were clear after several stages, when 50 finalists were selected out of 200 participating companies, whereof 10 companies were nominated the winners in two categories – “Innovative Product” and “Innovative Company”.

“Innovation Prize” competition is patronized by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania. The purpose of the Ministry is to promote enterprising thinking, technological development, as well as enable the companies to assess their competitiveness and innovation.