Kelprojektas strengthens its position in the Baltic countries and expands it activities to Estonia


Kelprojektas, the biggest transport infrastructure engineering company in the country, expands its activities on foreign markets. The department in Latvia was set up one and a half year ago and this year – in Estonia, where the first project will be implemented soon. The company won the tender to carry out the reconstruction engineering works in the international motorway Tallinn – Tartu – Võru – Luhamaa. The value of the project totals nearly 0.5 million litas.

“Expansion on foreign markets is one of the fundamental strategic objectives of Kelprojektas. We aspire after establishing and strengthening our position on the existing markets and also intensively searching for new. The tender that we won in Estonia will be a good start, which, we believe, will destine further successful activities in this country”, – said Algimantas Medžiaušis, General Manager of UAB Kelprojektas.

The tender for the reconstruction project of Tartu detour, which is one of the stretches of the motorway Tallinn – Tartu – Võru – Luhamaa, was announced by the Estonian Road Administration – Maanteeamet. Total value of reconstruction works of the motorway including the construction works amounts to 6.5 million euro. The project is planned to be completed within seven months as of signing of the contract.

During the course of the project the surveyors of Kelprojektas will carry out geodesic and geological surveys as well as road safety audit. The reconstruction project, elaborated by the specialists of the company, will cover 2.5 km of the main trunk-road as well as the reconstruction projects of the access roads to detour (total length 2 km) and two viaducts.

Great attention will also be paid to infrastructure – reconstruction of the sidewalks within the road stretch and construction of the cycle ways with lighting. Kelprojektas will also work out the project for the underpass under the detour.

The international motorway Tallinn – Tartu – Võru – Luhamaa (E263) is one of two main roads in Estonia. Total length thereof is 280 km.

“The expansion of activities to Estonia is not accidental. Recently the main focus of Kelprojektas has been on the neighboring Baltic and Scandinavian countries – Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, and Norway. Especially for this purpose we have set up the Development Department in our company, which takes care of the expansion of our company on the new markets”, – said Algimantas Medžiaušis, General Manager of UAB Kelprojektas.